State Senator Heidi Campbell, Nashville Mayoral Candidate, Lays Out Far-Left Laundry List of Agenda Items

In a candidate survey completed by all but two contestants running for Nashville mayor, State Senator Heidi Campbell (D-Nashville) laid out a far-left plan of action that she says she will implement should she be elected.

Campbell (pictured above) said that gun control is one of her top priorities.

“Our gun problem in America is a public health crisis. Firearms are now the leading cause of death for our children,” she said. “And while this problem understandably gets a lot of attention in the wake of tragedies like Covenant, we need to realize that it is a problem that plagues our city every single day, with a disproportionate impact on communities of color.”

Some argue that abortion, not gun violence, is the leading cause of death among children.

Campbell said she will also address the city’s opioid crisis, which is dramatically rising like in most American cities.

But she won’t address the problem with stiffer penalties for drug-related offenses. Instead, she plans to support the habits of drug addicts.

“Increasing Narcan Kit availability in Metro facilities, partnering with community organizations to promote recovery options, and quickening response times to overdose calls through Smart City Technology are just a few of the ways my administration will work to address this issue,” she said.

As for the city’s increasing issue with homeless encampments, Campbell offered a utopian solution that has failed in cities like Los Angeles.

“It’s true that safety concerns can arise with homeless encampments, but over-policing of them only exacerbates the issue,” she said, criticizing a Tennessee bill recently passed into law that she said “criminalizes homelessness.”

“My administration will work with our outstanding medical providers to give our unhoused citizens the resources they need, especially in the area of mental health,” she said. “Additionally, I will expand and build relationships with community organizations like Oasis and Open Table to ensure that our efforts are community-led and prioritize transition opportunities.”

That claim of “criminalizing homelessness” is one-sided.

In fact, the bill’s goal, when compared with Campbell’s plan, is strikingly similar.

The bill’s sponsor, State Senator Paul Bailey (R-District 15), said the bill is about dignity and safety.

“This bill focuses on public safety and human dignity. Allowing individuals to sleep under bridges and near roadways is not compassionate,” he said upon the bill’s passage. “It is unsafe. Through this bill we will give local governments the ability to protect public safety and connect homeless populations with the resources they need to restore their dignity and improve their living situations.”

The bill also allows a 45-day window after a homelessness arrest for the Metro Homeless Impact Division (MHIP) to “connect with our community partners and organizations to assist in finding them an alternative living situation to avoid facing a felony for their homeless experience.”

In the survey, Campbell also managed to demonize police, saying that Nasvhillians don’t trust the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD).

“One of the most critical aspects of law enforcement’s relationship with a community is trust, and countless studies and reports have revealed what many of us have known for a while now: A large percentage of Nashvillians don’t feel like they can trust the MNPD,” she said. “With the elimination of the community oversight board, this problem will only worsen, which is why we need to look for innovative solutions to rebuild law enforcement officers’ relationships with the community.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.
Photo “Senator Heidi Campbell” by Tennessee General Assembly. Background Photo “Davidson County Courthouse” by Luckiewiki. CC BY-SA 4.0.


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6 Thoughts to “State Senator Heidi Campbell, Nashville Mayoral Candidate, Lays Out Far-Left Laundry List of Agenda Items”

  1. william delzell

    Tennessee needs all the leftists it can find to deliver this state from ODIOUS Republicans!

  2. Truthy McTruthFace

    vote for heidi if you think nashville should be more like portland.

  3. Randall Davidson

    shouldn’t even be a state senator. No vote from me, thanks…..

  4. Jay Are

    Translation for every leftist candidate ever: I will increase taxes on hard working people trying to keep food on their family tables and roofs over their heads, squander half the loot on druggies, criminals and any other lowlife trash looking for tax funded hand outs, not jobs and harassing legal gun owners, who bought their guns, while ignoring the left’s perpetually increasing gun owners who stole their guns and are supplementing the left’s overgrowth of welfare benefits for both citizens and illegal immigrants with theft.

    A quarter more will be wasted on funding new politically favored “social justice” startups doing not much more but paying huge tax funded salaries to admin, like BLM. Then I’ll likely pocket the rest as well as profiftably invest in whatever companies, for which I guarantee success with competition crushing political favoritism.

    Any tax payers questioning what they’re supposed to live on, after leftist grifters and their propaganda pushing politicians suck up most of their paychecks, will be vilified as greedy, selfish, immoral, uncharitable, racist, sexist, trans/LBGQ-intolerant and/or white supremacists and dismissed from all policy discussions as “domestic terrorist threats to democracy.’

  5. Heidi

    Don’t make Tennessee another Commiefornia. Please don’t vote for this commie candidate. If this is the kind of person you want to live under, move to California, Oregon, New York or Washington, but, keep her out of Tennessee.

  6. Steve Allen

    “Our gun problem in America is a public health crisis. Firearms are now the leading cause of death for our children,” she said.

    Typical liberal rhetoric. This comment has a bit of truth only due to the large number of black late teens who are shot due to street violence. If you subtract them, this becomes an untrue statement.

    So if you believe Lee’s desired list of firearms legislation is going to reduce the number of deaths by firearms… must be a liberal. You can pass all the laws you want, which is indeed a cornerstone in the democratic platform, but people (CRIMINALS) are going to just ignore them.

    One of my pet peeves are people who do not secure their firearms. How many handguns are stolen from vehicles while the owner is in a bar drinking? Too many. How may children are shot and killed by a loaded handgun they found that belongs to their parents (legally or illegally)?

    That being said, the government has absolutely NO RIGHT to restrict law abiding Americans right to own firearms for self defense and recreation, and that includes the democrats favorite whipping boy, the dreaded AR-15.

    America is suffering a total social and moral breakdown which is being fueled by the democrats and their globalist handlers. Laws and policies promulgated by the democrats continue to result in violence against law abiding Americans, and we have every right to defend ourselves from this growing violence.
